Sullivan Connect
Sullivan Connect is the school’s alumni platform. It is designed to connect former pupils, teachers and parents and build on a spirit of community and connection to develop a vibrant and thriving alumni community.
In our increasingly connected society, there has never been a better time to bring Sullivanites together, both those at home in Northern Ireland and those living further afield.
Creating a profile on Sullivan Connect takes only a few minutes and once registered alumni can look up and reconnect with former classmates, friends and teachers as well as share anecdotes, stories and photographs.
We will bring you news from the school and former pupils and are always on the lookout for your memories and photographs. If you have an idea for a feature on Sullivan Connect please drop us a line on hello@sullivanconnect.co.uk.
We also have a number of exciting initiatives in the pipeline and later this year will launch functionality that will enable alumni to create specific groups on Sullivan Connect for their year, club or society and share information with fellow members. Watch this space.