Pupil Attendance Policy (September 2023) click HERE​​​​​​​​​​​​​
One of our pastoral priorities is to highlight the importance of good school attendance to pupils. Some actions to date include:
Encouraging pupils to download the SIMS Student App so they can monitor their own attendance.
Posters in each classroom explaining what their % attendance means according to Department of Education guidance (see attachment and link below).
Form Teachers informing pupils individually what their % attendance was 2023/2024 and for the first half term in 2024/2025.
Some future actions include:
In Term 2, Form Teachers will inform each pupil individually what their % attendance was in Term 1.
We will be acknowledging full attendance and improved attendance*
*It is important to remember that there are very genuine reasons for pupil absence.
The dates and reason for ALL absences should be notified using IRIS ParentMail.
Absence ie illness
Please use the ‘add’ button once in the ‘New Absence’ section of IRIS ParentMail – there is a box to add free text. Please ensure the exact date(s) of the absence is clearly typed in the box, along with the reason for the absence, so that it can be recorded correctly.
Appointments ie medical, dental, etc
If notifying school of an appointment, please use the 'add' button once in the ‘New Absence’ section of IRIS ParentMail – there is a box to add free text. Please ensure the time the child will be collected from school is clearly typed in the box, along with the reason for the appointment, and if the child is returning to school, clearly state the estimated return time. When the child returns to school they must sign in using the VPASS systen. Please state if the child is not returning to school so that this information can be recorded correctly.
Please do not email the school 'info' email account with any explanations about absences.
Parents/guardians are able to view their child’s attendance record (AM and PM sessions) on the SIMS Parent App and we ask for parents/guardians support in monitoring their son/daughter’s attendance.
A weekly notification on the SIMS Parent App is sent at the end of each week which summarises the child’s attendance over the prior week.
Attended (✓) – is recorded for all pupils who register as present.
Absence (X) - X means that the pupil has been recorded as absent. (Please note medical appointments will appear as an X).
Notifying the school of the exact dates/time and reasons for absence/appointments will ensure the information on SIMS Parent App is correct.
For your information if no reason for a pupil absence is received the school is required to record it as an unauthorised absence.
Instructions on IRIS ParentMail are available on the school website by clicking on the link below:
Department of Education guidance on school attendance is available at the link below: