Departmental Aims
The fundamental aim of the music curriculum is to develop pupils’ musical ability. All pupils are potentially musical and should be provided with learning experiences which develop their knowledge , understanding and skills in making and responding to music through active engagement in the core musical activities of composing , performing and listening
The music curriculum aims to empower pupils to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives. It is about helping all pupils prepare for life and work
1 As individuals by:
giving pupils opportunities to create personal meaning through composing, performing and listening activities;
enabling pupils to express their own feelings through music;
building an appreciation of the diverse musical tastes of others;
encouraging pupils to explore and experiment creatively in a variety of situations.
2 As contributors to society by:
developing the skills central to understanding and responding to music;
developing pupil’s awareness of how music influences behaviour;
developing an understanding of music from different periods, styles and cultural traditions that are different from their own;
developing an understanding of the power of music in evoking mood and atmosphere
3 As contributors to the economy and the environment by:
developing pupil’s ability to be discriminating consumers of music as a result of their own experiences in making and responding to music;
developing pupil’s awareness and understanding of the skills required to be successful within the music industry ( and how those skills and qualities are also highly valued throughout the world in all types of employment).
Mrs L R Montgomery (Head of Department)
Mrs J A Harper (Part-Time)
Mrs G E Hartin
Mr C Edgar (Technician)