80 IN 20
A group of teachers and friends of Sullivan Upper School will be walking 80km in 20 hours to raise money for a number of charities which have a strong Sullivan connection. Some people will be planning to complete the full distance and others will join us for part of the day. This will take place on Saturday 2 June 2012. Starting when the sunrises and hoping to finish before the sun sets.The idea came from reading an article about a woman who walked 80km to seek medical attention for her sick child. This distance resonates with those involved in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme where the Gold candidates are required to cover that distance in 4 days in wild country.
The charities we are hoping to raise a lot of money for are
Work of John Turner in Vietnam – (John Turner is a former Technology teacher who along with his wife is working among the street children in Vietnam).
UCCI – UCCI is an Indian charity focussed on the provision of schooling for the children of the poorest families of the Andra Pradesh in Eastern India.
In addition we will be supporting a number of charities in memory of the following people (former pupils and parents of pupils in school)
Rebecca Graham (former pupil) – Cardiomyopathy Association
Andrew Drain (former Head Boy) – Leukaemia and Lymphoma research
Andrew Campbell (former pupil) – Bright Red
Rosi Kirker Millar (parent) – Bowel Cancer UK
Malcolm Chisholm (parent) – Tear Fund
We would encourage you to give as generously as possible – every donation helps, no matter what size it is. The fund raised will be split equally amongst the listed charities.
If you wish to make a donation we have set up a webpage www.justgiving.com/80kin20 or send cash or cheques made payable to Sullivan Upper School in an envelope marked 80 in 20 to be left in at the school office. All money donated including that which is gift-aided will be divided equally between the 7 charities.
Paul Whittington