Announcement of Major Building Project
We are delighted to announce that the Department of Education has recently approved our major building project, applied for under the School Enhancement Programme. This project is the next phase of our ambitious plans for the development of the school estate, which include the extension and refurbishment of the Art Department, additional classroom blocks and the further development of sports facilities.
Full details of the newly-approved project are as follows:
à the replacement of the War Memorial Pavilion with a new pavilion, comprising changing facilities and an additional upper-floor multipurpose space, nominally designated a dance studio;
à a full-size gymnasium as part of the new pavilion complex; and
à an AstroTurf hockey pitch with associated fencing, spectator area and floodlighting on the existing gravel pitch at the front of the school.
Work on this project will begin by September and will likely take one year to complete. The scheme will cost £3m, of which £2.3m is paid by the Department of Education. The remaining cost (£700k) is to be met directly by the school. There is no doubt that this will put considerable pressure on the funds which we can direct to any other capital or indeed maintenance works over the next decade. The Board of Governors is, therefore, committed to engaging in a major fund-raising scheme amongst the broader Sullivan community.
A new website www.friendsofsullivan.comhas been created which will contain further detailed information about the scheme and notification of forthcoming events and other fund-raising activities. The website will be regularly updated as the scheme develops.
We are looking forward to this exciting phase of the school’s development. We will of course, notify you separately of any disruption or change in routine.
B W F CAVE C J W PEEL Chair, Board of Governors Headmaster
