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Exam Results – August 2013



Sullivan Upper pupils are celebrating another excellent year of examination results at GCSE and A level.

At GCSE, 99.4% of pupils obtained at least 5 grades A*-C (including English and Mathematics); a quarter of the year group obtained 10 A* or A grades and half the year group obtained at least 7 A* or A grades.  23% of grades were A* which compares very favourably with the national average of 8% – with the girls (34% A*) outdoing the boys.  Headmaster, Mr Chris Peel, commented: “These results are tremendous – our pupils perform extremely well every year but these are our best GCSE results in recent years by 1%.  I am so pleased for the pupils, their parents and their teachers”.

At A level, 93% of entries were awarded grades A*-C and 81% of pupils obtained 3 grades A*-C – indeed, more than half of the year group obtained at least 3 grades A*-B.  30 pupils obtained at least 3 grades A* or A and 11% of all entries were awarded A*.  Josh Bambrick, Sophie Tapper and Clare Wood gained a place at Cambridge or Oxford. Mr Peel commented: “I congratulate the pupils and their teachers on these excellent results.  As always, gaining entry to the course of their choice is ultimately more important for pupils than the actual grades and I am happy to report that the vast majority of pupils are moving on from Sullivan with their future career path secured, whatever that may be.”

NB  All statistics provided are provisional.

C J W Peel  Headmaster

August 2013

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