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GCSE Results 2024

Sullivan Upper School’s Year 12 cohort are celebrating superb GCSE results, which are reward for all their efforts during their courses. Young people at this stage of their education and development face numerous pressures, but we are delighted that Sullivan pupils have been able to maintain such high levels of performance.


Our pupils achieved an overall pass rate of 98.2% with 75% of grades at A*-A level. 99.3% of the cohort achieved 5x A*-C grades including English and Mathematics, and a quarter of the year group achieved at least 7x A* grades. Five Sullivan pupils achieved the impressive feat of a full set of top grades: Michael Girvin, Imogen Kilpatrick, Asha McFerran, Smokey Sizaret, and Patrick Whiteside.


The Principal, Craig Mairs, said: “We are very proud of the achievements of our pupils and are delighted that their hard work has been rewarded. We are also grateful for the efforts of our committed and skilled staff team whose dedication has helped our pupils fulfil their potential. At Sullivan we talk to our pupils regularly about how it is not their grades that will define them, but their character. Many of these young people have illustrated this character through their superb contributions to the wider life of the school’s extra-curricular programme. We wish our pupils every success as they begin their A Level courses this autumn.”


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