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Key Stage 3 Readathon


Sponsored reading in March 2011 raised the impressive sum of £1,576.55 which will go towards Clic Sargent Children’s Cancer Charity and Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity. Katherine McKee and Michael Good received a prize for their form class (8W) from Mr Peel.  Stephen Hodgson and Patrick Moorehad received prizes for the best individual contributions.


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Saphara July 2011

In September 2010, after a rigorous application and interview process the following Year 13 pupils were successful in gaining a place on the Belfast Saphara Team: Kirsten Beg, Kate Doake, Irma Hendry,

Tennis Results – 2011

MINIOR GIRLS’ WINNERS OF MINOR PLATE Defeated Glenlola Collegiate in the Final Lydia Kelly, Amy Rothwell, Claire McCrory and Emma Hill MINIOR BOYS’ WINNERS OF MINOR PLATE Defeated Banbridge Academy in

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