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Ryan Richards awarded 3rd place at Foyle Film Festival Moving Image Arts Awards


Sullivan student Ryan Richards awarded third place at the Foyle Film Festival Moving Image Arts Awards

Ryan Richards, who left Sullivan at the end of last year, has been awarded third place at the prestigious Foyle Film Festival CCEA Moving Image Arts Awards Showcase, which took place at Queen’s Film Theatre, Belfast, before Christmas.  He is currently an undergraduate of Film Studies at QUB.

Ryan’s film ‘Geminids’ tells the story of a young girl who is fascinated by stargazing and witnesses some strange supernatural events during the annual Geminids shower. 

Ryan took an adventurous approach to the making of this film, even taking an electrical generator to a local beach in order to create the stunning cinematography seen in the meteor storm sequence.  He dedicated many hours to animating the explosive special effects for this scene and in creating the beautiful ‘bokeh’ lighting effects showcased throughout the production.

Starring his close family in the main roles, Ryan successfully integrates humour into this impressive and professional production.  A young film maker of considerable talent, Ryan Richards will be a name to watch in years to come!

Ingrid Arthurs, Subject Officer for Moving Image Arts at CCEA, commented:

CCEA’s Moving Image Arts course offers students a unique and exciting opportunity to express their ideas creatively and it is fantastic that we are able to showcase their achievement in such a public forum, where these ideas can be shared and appreciated by a wider audience.

Martin Melarkey, Chief Examiner for Moving Image Arts, added:

A key objective of Moving Image Arts is to support the emergence of a new generation of filmmakers. From the outstanding talent and imagination on display in these short films, it certainly seems as if this ambition is being fulfilled.

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