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Sailing News – Sam Rutherford

In October each year the Royal Yachting Association Northern Ireland choose their NI Performance Squad for the forthcoming season.

James Farrell, Royal Yachting Association Northern Ireland’s (RYANI) Performance Manager, is charged with the responsibility of identifying talented young sailors and then nurturing them through the RYA’s “Pathway” to competing at National and International levels.

Sam Rutherford (10C) is one of the sailors he has identified with potential within the Laser Radial Class and has picked as a member of the Northern Ireland Squad.

This squad is made up of the best 12 Laser Radial Sailors in the province, usually aged 16 to 19. As Sam only turned 14 during the selection process it makes him one of the youngest sailors ever selected on NI laser Radial Squad and with the potential for another 5 years training and competing at this level Sam is perfectly placed to move up the IRL and GBR rankings.

With funding from Sport Northern Ireland, Sam will be required to attend and compete at key National Events, practice in his own time and meet fitness testing targets.

The objective is to get the sailors into the elite IRL or GBR National Squad.

Sam Rutherford Sailing

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