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Sports Day – 26 June 2012


Sullivan Upper Press Team


No major event is quite complete without full press coverage, and Sullivan Upper Sports Day is no exception. Yesterday, our team of intrepid young journalists ventured forth down the grassy, damp, and soon to be quite a bit damper, slopes of the Front Pitches armed with clipboards and penetrating questions. Working to a tight deadline, and in adverse weather conditions, they observed and recorded the main events of the day. Read their reports here. Pupil Interviews by Esther Millar Sports Day Begins by Kate Campbell 8C Marvellous Main Events by Adam Blair and James Henry Sports Day Fun Races by Owen Aicken 8J and Callum McLaughlin 8P Sports Day Interviews by Iona O’Neill and India Macgougan Super Sullivan Olympics Opening Ceremony by Adam Blair and James Henry  Results by Taylor Bingham and Katie Ireland  Teacher Talk by Taylor Bingham and Katie Ireland 

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