The 2023 British Youth Fencing Championships were held over the weekend April 29th to May 1st in the English Institute of Sport arena in Sheffield. Four SU fencers had qualified for the event and took part across 3 age groups: U18 Alexander Penny, U16s Noah Currie and Myles Wilkinson and U14 Cassidy Ogle. The BYCs is the biggest UK youth fencing competition of the year with all of the UK’s best young fencers competing. All 4 SU fencers put in strong performances: Cassidy in her first British national competition, and Alexander, Myles and Noah all improving on their previous year’s results.
SUFC 2023 BYC Results
U18 boys: Alexander 23rd.
U16 boys:, Myles 49th, Noah 60th.
U14 girls: Cassidy 46th.
David White
SUFC Coach
03 May 2023
