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Sullivan Medallion XV vs Grosvenor Medallion


Sullivan Medallion XV vs Grosvenor Medallion

On 19 October 2013 the Sullivan Upper Medallion rugby team played Grosvenor Medallion rugby team at Grosvenor’s pitches.

The match started off at a fast pace by both sides. It was fairly even with defence being the main aspect of the game. Grosvenor were applying the majority of the early pressure but we were putting in brilliant tackles and it was becoming a very physical encounter. However we were now the ones applying more of the pressure and managed to get into their 22. We couldn’t capitalise though and Grosvenor got the pressure off themselves and cleared their lines. Then they started applying heavy pressure. Grosvenor kept coming at us but our defence was outstanding and our forwards were fantastic in the rucks and line-outs. When we turned it over and cleared, their backs came at us but again our defence stood firm. However it wasn’t long before it cracked. On the five-metre line, the Grosvenor flanker powered over. The conversion was missed so the score was 5-0.

From the kick off we were right back in their faces and were determined to score before half time. We achieved this when we worked our way into their 22 and good, quick ball from the forwards resulting in Steven Brush going over under the post after the ball had been fed out by the half-backs. Rory Jemphrey got the conversion and this made the score 7-5 at half time.

The second half started with us in the ascendancy and we were soon further ahead when Stephen Brush again crossed over from short range under the posts. Rory Jemphrey got the conversion and the score was now 14-5. Quickly after the kick off, Grosvenor came back at us but the game was becoming quite even. However Grosvenor managed to kick the ball into our corner and the bouncing ball allowed their winger to just about, squeeze in a try right at the touch line. The conversion was missed so the score was now 14-10.

The game was becoming very tight and you felt the next score would be vital. And it was. We had the ball on the half way line and good, quick ball from the forwards again allowed the backs to pass the ball out to Connor Scollan on the left wing, and he ran in brilliantly from the half way line to touch down in the corner. Rory Jemphrey scored a great conversion and it was now 21-10.

There was about 15 minutes left and Grosvenor were having the majority of the possession. Our defence was being severely tested but it was solid and the tackles we were putting in were brilliant. Grsvenor got into our 22 and were now applying huge pressure but our tackling was winning us the game, especially that’s of our forwards. We then managed to regain possession and clear out of our 22 so the pressure was relieved. To Grosvenor’s credit they kept plucking away but never really looked like breaking down our strong defence. We nearly scored at the end when Connor Scollan ran basically all of the pitch but was tackled just short. It didn’t matter though as we had done enough to come away victorious after a very tough and physical game.

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