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Before the summer break six Sullivan rugby players from Year 8 and 9 had the privilege of training with Ruan Pienaar, Rodney Ah You, Rob Herring and Louis Ludik at Instonians/Cooke’s rugby training ground. We started with some warm up routines and went into some passing drills and a touch match. This was followed by a master class in place kicking and box kicking and a chance to get involved, and show the players your skills. After the rugby we enjoyed a great barbeque thanks to BMW who generously sponsored the event and supplied goodie bags. The night was then concluded by photos and signatures with the players. It was a great opportunity to enhance our skills by learning from some of the Ulster players we aspire to be. It was an incredible experience and a great way to mark the end of the season for Sullivan Rugby.

Patrick McFerran 9S


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