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Sullivan Upper Vs Down High School – Rugby


Sullivan Upper Vs Down High School

On the 28 of September, Sullivan U-13’s played their first home game of the season against Down High School. The U-13’s were the only Sullivan team to beat Down High on that Saturday morning and they comfortably beat them 43-0 which is one of the U-13’s biggest wins so far this year.

There were many supporters cheering the Sullivan team on throughout the match (this gave the players a lot confidence to do well and to impress their supporters). Down High kicked the match off. The sun was shining right in the eyes of the Down High players and it stayed shining throughout the whole of the match. The first five minutes of the match were tight and both of the teams were playing hard to see who would score the first try of the game. That came when the ball was given out through the hands of the backs on the five-metre line and Shea Storey received the ball on the wing and ran through the gap in the defence for the first try of the game. The conversion was missed but Sullivan led 5-0. Sullivan had settled into the game by now and looked very sharp.  Sullivan were attacking now and the second try came for Sullivan when Ben Holley received a quick penalty on the five metre line and stormed through the Down High Defence. Conor McKee added the extra points from short range and Sullivan had increased their lead to 12-0.  Tim Nart (the Sullivan full back) injured his leg and Jack McFerran was brought on as a sub for him. There was only going to be one more try before the end of the half; this try came from Jack McFerran. Peter Casement was given the ball and got past one of the defenders before passing the ball to Jack who slid over the try line. William Hamilton made the conversion and at half time Sullivan led 19-0.

The two sides switched ends and for this half Sullivan would have to deal with the sun in their eyes. Sullivan got the second half kicked off. Straight away, Sullivan was putting a lot of pressure on Down High and they looked like they were already quite tired. Sullivan took advantage of this and Sol Harper scored the next try after he picked the ball up from the back of a scrum (which was on the five-metre line) and breezed right passed the defender. Jack Crishop made the conversion and Sullivan was convincingly winning 26-0. Down High rushed up to take the drop in quickly and they kicked to Peter Casement who scored the fifth try of the game after he dodged passed a few of the defenders and ran in to score. The conversion was missed unfortunately but Sullivan was now leading 31-0. The game was nearly finished but Sullivan weren’t. Shea Storey was able to score his second try of the game after he received the ball from another player and he ran in to score the try. This conversion was missed. There was time for one more try and this time Oliver Faith got his name on the score sheet. He received the ball on the five-metre line from Jack Crishop and the defence had no chance of stopping him. Conor McKee made the last points of the day for Sullivan from close range. The final whistle blew and Sullivan emerged the victors on their first home game of the season. The final score was 43-0 to Sullivan and Peter Casement won the man of the match award. Another brilliant day out for Sullivan U-13’s.

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