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UK Youth Games


Eight Sullivan pupils travelled to Newcastle in September to compete in a variety of sports for Northern Ireland in the UK Youth Games. These games bring together the best talent at U17 level from all over the UK. Katie Kirk and Cyndie McCullough took part in athletics, with Katie winning gold in the 300M. Irma Hendry, Kirsten Beggs, Chris Jordan and Victoria Duxbury all competed in fencing, while Matthew Allister and Katie McQuillan were part of the boys’ and girls’ hockey squads. The boys’ came runners-up and the girls were the overall winners, with impressive victories over England, Scotland and Wales.


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Saphara July 2011

In September 2010, after a rigorous application and interview process the following Year 13 pupils were successful in gaining a place on the Belfast Saphara Team: Kirsten Beg, Kate Doake, Irma Hendry,

Tennis Results – 2011

MINIOR GIRLS’ WINNERS OF MINOR PLATE Defeated Glenlola Collegiate in the Final Lydia Kelly, Amy Rothwell, Claire McCrory and Emma Hill MINIOR BOYS’ WINNERS OF MINOR PLATE Defeated Banbridge Academy in

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