Pupil Safety
The Health and Safety Committee of the Board of Governors has the responsibility of considering all aspects of Health and Safety in relation to the school. This responsibility takes a variety of different forms.
A drop-off and pick-up arrangement has been instituted at the front of the school in front of the Pavilion. The majority of parents and visitors to the school conform to the arrangements which have greatly improved safety and access for cars and pedestrians.
A School Crossing Patrolperson operates 8.15 am to 9.15 am and 3.15 pm to 4.15 pm on school days at the Abbey Ring gate; there is a Puffin Crossing for pupils at the Belfast Road entrance.
With regard to school safety and security in general, the school will operate the one-way system in, via the main gate on the Belfast Road and out, by of the Abbey Ring Gate. CCTV, security fencing and other measures will continue to be used and developed to enhance security at the school.