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  • Hockey News – 1st XI Burney Cup

    Sullivan started the Burney Cup with a trip to Portadown College. After a midweek delay due to wether the game was played on a Friday afternoon at 3:30 in Portadown!! After the team captain, Harry Morris, had broken a collar bone and will be out for a few weeks the team had to make a few positional changes. Sullivan with a strong commitment to hockey had a full squad of 16, unfortunately Portadown could only manage 10 players. From the outset the game was dominated by Sullivan, Portadown rarely entered into the Sullivan half. As a consequence, Sullivan won. Final Score Sullivan 12 (M Willis 4, P Crookshanks 2, D Girvin, C Smith, N Keown, H Yarr, S Anderson and P Rose) v Portadown College 0

  • Politics Society- Senator Ian Marshall

    On the 11 January 2019 the Sullivan Upper Politics Society welcomed Irish Senator Ian Marshall, the first independent Unionist to be elected to the Irish senate. Ian talked about his thoughts on reforming the structure of Stormont with the inclusion of an upper chamber equivalent to the House of Lords or the Irish Senate with the opportunity for experienced members to play a role in the amending of bills, however, he disagrees with the inclusion of hereditary peers in the House of Lords. He also discussed his role in the Irish Senate working there on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and then in QUB on a Friday. He discussed the sense of unity in the Irish Parliament between parties and the lack of sectarianism and the diversity of Dublin. He stated there was no hidden agenda in Irish politics to try and reunite Ireland and the lack of desire for a United Ireland also in Northern Ireland. Under the topic of Brexit, he discussed the steps the Irish government was taking to protect Irish businesses including setting aside €300 million with the risk of a hard border. He voiced his support for a second EU referendum to “validate” the first referendum and that the EU and Ireland wanted the UK to remain in the EU and that without the UK the power in the EU lay in the German-Franco relationship. He also mentioned the need for the Conservative government to successfully negotiate Brexit as failing to do so may have further implications for the party with the potential to not be in government for decades. Ian then discussed the need for devolution to return to Stormont, and the need for the “silent majority” to stand up against the polarisation of NI politics. He also talked about the issue of symbolism in NI and the weaponisation of the Irish language, also with the need to educate young people about the legacy of the Troubles. Ian also mentioned the absorption of culture in NI from previous generations and the need for young people to move forward towards a brighter future for NI.

  • Fencing: Sullivan at the Irish National Team Championships

    On Sunday 13 January, 6 Sullivan fencers, plus coach, travelled to the National Irish Pentathlon Centre in Blanchardstown near Dublin to represent Sullivan Upper in the Irish Team Fencing Championships. The 6 SU fencers made up 2 teams: the ‘Masketeers’, consisting of Victoria Morris (captain), Izzy Evans and Ruzi Statham, and ‘Allez RAA’, consisting of Alex Atkinson (captain), Rachel McKillen and Angharad King. A tough competition lay ahead for the 2 young SU teams, in their first experience of senior team fencing. All the other teams in the event were from Irish University Clubs, with Trinity College Dublin fielding a strong team (including one international) and starting as clear favourites. After the poule fights, Allez RAA (Rachel, Alex, Angharad) failed to make the cut, but only after putting in some strong performances against older and much more experienced fencers. The Masketeers fared better in their poule fights, but after losing to University College Dublin, they went on to win a third place fence-off against University College Cork and bronze medals! The event was won by Trinity College.

  • Fencing: Sullivan at Round 3 of the NI Junior Foil Series

    Sixteen Sullivan Upper Fencers took part in Round 3 of the NI Junior Foil Series, held last Saturday 12 January 2019 in the Sullivan Sports Hall. A total of 7 medals were won by SUFC fencers from across 5 different age group categories. U12 Girls With the winner of Round 2 out with a broken wrist (SU’s Sophia Cahill), year 8 Alexandra Ong, in her first competition, was left as the only Sullivan entrant in this category. She won all her poule fights and made the final, finishing with the silver medal. U14 Girls There were 3 SU fencers in this age group. Charlie Beimers and Grace Houston were knocked out in the quarter-finals to finish 6th and 7th, while Alex Atkinson made the semis, but was beaten 10-15 by the eventual winner to take bronze. U14 Boys In this, probably the toughest of the competition categories, Arnav Arava finished just outside the medals in 5th place, while Alexander Penny and Adam Caldwell both also made the quarter-finals, finishing 7th and 8th. Positions 9 to 12 were all filled by SU fencers: Cameron Kitchen, Keir Murray, Finn Neely and Edward Lilley (in his first competition). U16 Girls SU dominance continued in this age group, with Victoria Morris winning her third successive gold medal and Izzy Evans taking her 2nd silver in a repeat of the final of Round 2. This time the beaten semi-finalists and joint bronze medal winners were Angharad King and Rachel McKillen. U16 Boys Cormac Kitchen won his 3rd consecutive bronze medal in the U16s, his competition consistency carrying him to Number 1 in the rankings at this, the half-way point in the season. Round 4 takes place on Sunday 3 February 2019 in the Queen’s Leisure Centre in Holywood.


    P7 (and P6) pupils and their parents are warmly invited to visit the school. Pupils considering entry to Sixth Form are also welcome. Copies of the school’s prospectus will be available and there will be opportunities to meet pupils and teachers and to observe a variety of school activities. The Headmaster will speak briefly in the School Hall at 9.30 am, 10.30 am and 11.30 am. Please see link below to an Education Authority (EA) information video for parents/guardians on the post-primary application process.

  • Year 8 Pupils – Sky Gamechangers

    On Wednesday 5 December, two Year 8 pupils, Hamish Johnston and Selena Byrnes, were accompanied by Mrs Hutchinson and set off from Belfast City Airport bound for Heathrow, destination Sky studios, as the pupils had been invited to take part in the Christmas edition of the Sky programme, Gamechangers. This is a sports quiz programme aimed at 9-12 year olds where 3 teams compete against each other. Each team is captained by a famous sports personality and our 2 pupils had been invited by former pupil Aimee Fuller (2 times Winter Olympian in Snowboarding) to be in her team. The other 2 captains were Serena Gutherie (England Netball) and Alfie Hewett (Wheelchair Tennis player). Aimee, Hamish and Selena competed in various quiz rounds, both physical and mental, culminating in a Christmas-themed obstacle race. Coincidentally this programme is produced by former pupil Emma Self (née Marshall) so it was great to meet Emma and hear about her work at Sky Sports. After a full day of filming, the exhausted pupils and teacher were escorted back to Heathrow for their flight back to Belfast. This was a very exciting and memorable experience for all involved and it was a privilege for us to be asked to be a part of it. You will have to tune in to Sky Mix on Saturday 22 December 2018 at 5.00 pm to see how Aimee, Hamish and Selena got on.

  • Rugby – 2nd XV Cup

    Well done to the 2nd XV who beat Coleraine Grammar 7-0 to advance to the next round of the 2nd XV Cup. They have been drawn away to Down High School. The match will take place on 19 December 2018.

  • Rugby – Former Pupils

    Former pupil, Darren Cave and current Ulster skills coach, Dan Soper, came in to school to talk to Year 12s about career opportunities in sport. They kindly took a short session with the 1st XV. Former pupil and current Ulster Academy prop, Peter Cooper, received his first senior cap for Ulster when he appeared off the bench in their victory against Uruguay earlier in the month.

  • Rugby – U12 Rugby

    Well done to all the pupils who have represented the school in rugby in their first term in school. The U12s have started their school rugby career brightly with well over 35 boys representing Sullivan. They have recorded wins against Regent House, Bangor Grammar and Armagh Royal.

  • Rugby – Ulster U19

    Ulster U19 dramatically beat Australia Schools with a last minute try to record a 22-17 victory against the touring side. Australia had earlier in the week dispatched Munster and the following weekend beat Ireland U19 leaving the Ulster side which contained Sullivan pupils Conor McKee (Year 14) and George Saunderson (Year 13) as the only team to beat Australia on their tour of the Emerald Isle. George scored a great try and we are very proud of both boys in their involvement on a historic night.

  • Politics Society – Rachel Woods – 23 November 2018

    The Politics Society welcomed Rachel Woods, a Green Party Councillor for Ards & North Down, on 23/11/2018. One of the prevalent topics of discussion was the pressing issue of Brexit. Rachel outlined the stance of the Green Party on the issue, which was to remain in the EU and back a second referendum; but also believed a better deal could be reached by the government with the EU than what has been proposed, as well as the need for it to reflect the people of NI and avoid a hard border with the Republic of Ireland. We also discussed the issue of voting, with Rachel stating her belief for the vote for those aged 16 and a reform of the voting system, as she believes the “first past the post” system entrenches the two party system both in NI and the rest of the UK, as well as the need for greater involvement in politics from women and students through the introduction of the Green Party’s Young Peoples’ Manifesto. Local issues concerning Ards & North Down were also discussed, with Rachel describing her role in the council, being the chair of the Community and Wellbeing Committee as well as the chair of the Policing and Community Safety Partnership and vice-chair of the Regeneration & Development Committee. She also spoke about the work of and need for community resuscitation groups and the funding required for councils to allow these groups to work effectively; the Food Poverty Action Group in North Down which has some of the highest food poverty rates in NI, and the need to give a voice to those in the community on local issues. Another topic discussed was Rachel’s membership of and the policies of the Green Party and her views on the party policies. She told us that the Ards & North Down Council was the first local council in the UK to ban the use of single use plastics on its premises due to her influence, along with her decision to join the Green Party over the Alliance Party after hearing John Barry giving a lecture on peak oil whilst at QUB. She described the workings of the Green Party both in the UK and the wider European network and the constant communication and common policy between the parties. Finally we discussed the issue of the assembly at Stormont, with Rachel agreeing that MLAs should have their pay reduced until the assembly begin to function and she criticised the polarisation politics in NI between Sinn Fein and the DUP. Rachel also told us of her support for a Citizen’s Assembly with an international moderator from outside the UK and ROI, and spoke of the regression of NI politics with regards to the Good Friday Agreement with the lack of assembly and community engagement, coupled with the active paramilitaries, particularly in Ards & North Down. However, she believed that the next generation of politics in NI would help to resolve the existing divisions in NI and that reform of the political system in NI was needed including the removal of the Petition of concern from the St Andrews Agreement to allow this to happen effectively. Nat Bailie (Year 13)

  • Fencing: NI Junior Foil Series Round 2

    Fencing: Sullivan at Round 2 of the N Ireland Junior Foil Series Sullivan Upper Fencing Club played host to Round 2 of the 2018/19 NI Junior Foil Series last Sunday 9th December. Originally to be held at RBAI in Belfast, it was relocated to the SU Sports Hall due to unforeseen circumstances. Nineteen SUFC fencers took part in Round 2, with SU fencers winning a total of 8 medals across 6 age group categories. U12s The U12 Girls category perhaps provided the SU result of the day, with year 8 pupil Sophia Cahill taking gold in her first ever competition. Meanwhile, in the U12 Boys, year 8 Oliver Playfair, also in his first competition, finished 3rd to take a bronze medal. U14s Charlie Beimers finished just outside the medals in 5th place in the U14 Girls, while Alex Atkinson made the semi-finals to take bronze, denied a place in the final by a narrow 14-15 defeat by the eventual age group winner. In the U14 Boys, Alexander Penny, Arnav Arava and Finn Neely all made the quarter-finals, while Keir Murray, Adam Caldwell, Lewis Currie and Cameron Kitchen finished in positions 9 to 12. U16s The U16 Girls category was, as in Round 1, dominated by Sullivan fencers, with Victoria Morris again winning gold, Izzy Evans taking silver this time and joint third place bronze medals going to Ruzi Statham and Anna Vaughan. Positions 5 to 7 were taken by Cece MacMahon, Rachel McKillen and Angharad King. As in Round 1, Cormac Kitchen was the only SU entrant in the U16 Boys, again finishing third to take bronze. Round 3 takes place on Sat 12th January 2019 in the Sullivan Upper Sports Hall.

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