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  • Hockey News – Interpros Representation

    The boys Interpros teams have been named by Ulster Hockey, at U18 Paddy Crookshanks and Matthew Willis have been selected. At U16, Sam Anderson, Conor Matthews, Tom McClintock and Patrick Rose have been selected. Congratulations.

  • Rugby News – Ulster U18s

    Well done to George Robb who played for Ulster U18 Clubs in their recent interprovincial series in Limerick.

  • Rugby News – Ulster Schools

    Well done to Conor McKee (Year 14) and George Saunderson (Year 13) who played for Ulster Schools in the recent U18 Inter Provincial tournament at the University of Limerick. Ulster were looking to retain the title for the second year running but were beaten on the final day by Inter Provincial Winners, Leinster.

  • Rugby News – Ulster U17

    Well done to George Robb and Thomas Leitch who played in matches against USA Development XV and Ontario U17 during the summer. Both boys did extremely well and started both matches for Ulster U17.

  • Rugby News – Ulster U16

    Well done to Zac Moraghan (Year 12) who has been training with the Ulster U16 squad this summer. Zac played and scored against Ontario during their summer training game.

  • Ulster Boys Hockey Squad

    Congratulations to Patrick Crookshanks and Matthew Willis, both Year 14 on their selection for the Ulster Boys Hockey Squad to participate in the UK School Games taking place at Loughborough University from 30 August – 2 September 2018.

  • Golf News – Max Weiniger

    On Monday 16 July 2018, Max Weiniger (Year 12) played in the Flogas Junior Irish Open Series Competition which was hosted at Holywood Golf Club. The competitors for this series travel from across the world to take part. Congratulations to Max won the competition and was awarded the prize and title for “The Ulster U18 Champion”.

  • Hockey News – Ireland U18s European Championships

    Congratulations to Fergus Gibson, Tom Robson and Harry Morris who played for Ireland U18s in the European Championship.

  • Hockey News – Ulster U16s, Ulster U18s, Ireland U18s

    Hockey News – Ulster U16s Congratulations to Harrison Dunlop (Yr11), Conor Matthews (Yr10), Patrick Rose (Yr10), Sam Anderson (Yr10) who have been selected for Ulster U16 for two series of matches against Scotland from the 15th to 17th June and Wales from the 22nd to the 24th June all to be played at the University of Ulster, Jordanstown. Patrick Rose will also captain the team for one of the Scotland matches. Hockey News—Ulster U18s Congratulations to Patrick Crookshanks (Yr13), Matthew Willis (Yr 13) and Fraser Todd (Yr 12) who have been selected for Ulster Hockey U18s for a series of matches against Wales at University of Ulster, Jordanstown from the 22-24 June 2018. Hockey News – Ireland U18s Congratulations to Fergus Gibson (Yr14), Tom Robson (Yr14) and Harry Morris (Yr13) on their selection for Ireland U18s and they will play in the European Championships in Santander, Spain against Netherlands, France and Belgium in the initial group stages.

  • Hockey News – Ulster 17s

    Sullivan were represented by Fraser Todd (Yr 12), Matthew Willis (Yr 13) and Paddy Crookshanks (Yr 13) playing for Ulster U17s in a 3-match series against England U16s. Unfortunately England won the series 2-1.

  • Hockey News – Sullivan 1st XI retain the King Cup

    Once again in the final game of the season, Sullivan played Methody in the King Cup. A trophy presented by Mr Kings friends in memory of his son who attended both Sullivan and Methody, representing both schools in hockey and tennis. In a competitive game Sullivan were in control of the game taking a 2 nil lead into half time. Sullivan relaxed in the second half and let Methody score, but within a minute they increased the pace of the game and scored a further goal to maintain the two goal gap. Methody scored a second and made the last few minutes tense until Sullivan scored a fourth. Final score Sullivan 4 (M Willis, M Morris (2) and P Crookshanks) v Methody 2 Thanks to all the team and best wishes to the boys who are finishing at Sullivan – Tom McCord, Michael McDougall, Tom Robson, Fergus Kerr, Callum Carson, Sonny Erskine and Fergus Gibson

  • Rugby – Junior Rugby Tour to Leicester

    On the 13 April 2018, 40 young rugby players from Sullivan embarked on a junior rugby tour to Leicester. The U13 and U14 Squads returned victorious as they were unbeaten against their oppositions, Bugbrooke RFC and South Leicester RFC with convincing victories in both games. The boys enjoyed submersion in a full weekend of rugby as on their day off they had a coaching session with Leicester Tigers coaches and then went on to their impressive stadium to watch the derby match between Leicester and Northampton. The coaches and players would like to thank Living with the Lions Tours for organising a fantastic tour, the two rugby clubs for their hospitality and the parents for making a tour like this possible. Well done to U13 player of the Tom Muldrew and U14 player of the tour Adam Martin. {gallery}leicester{/gallery}

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